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4 key benefits of using Zoho Survey

Getting relevant feedback is crucial for the growth of any business. One way to get it is to ask your customers to fill out a survey where they can share their opinions and preferences. Specific areas of interest can be targeted with carefully tailored questions. With surveys, you can test your product’s viability, discover a need for a new feature or investigate if a product should be discontinued. Analyze and use that data to make informed business decisions.

Creating a business strategy backed by raw data is important. And not just for saving money, but also for increasing profits. Knowing when to invest (and in what), as well as where to allocate your money can only aid your business’ growth. A survey generator tool can help you streamline the process of gathering the relevant data. SurveyMonkey and Alchemer are common choices but Zoho Survey might give you a better value for money ratio.

Read on to learn more about what Zoho Survey has to offer.

1. Various survey templates

Survey templates are all created and tested by experts so you’ll find them especially useful if you’re new to this. Or if you just want to save some time. All the important questions are usually covered and it’s up to you to add or delete as necessary.

There are several main areas of business that Zoho’s templates cover. You’ll find customer satisfaction, marketing, human resources, event organization and more. Each area contains a whole variety of templates you can choose from. More than 200 ready-made survey templates wait for you to use them in the Zoho app.

Let’s say that you launched a new product and you’re curious about how your customers are liking it. You can use the Product Feedback template for this purpose. It includes questions that ask respondents how much they like the product on a 1-5 scale, how long have they had it, how often they use it, how likely they are to buy again, and more. All the basic questions are covered. Take some time to browse through the templates to see if you can find some that suit your business needs.

2. A visual (drag and drop) survey builder

The templates aren’t carved in stone. The reality is that each product (and business) is different or has some distinct features that we want to know more about. This is why Zoho made sure that all the templates are highly customizable.

Zoho’s visual survey builder lets you choose from 25 different types of questions. All from multiple choices and star ratings to sliders and rankings, Zoho’s app has you covered. Pick the one you need and just drag-and-drop. And then repeat until you achieve the desired flow of questions. All you have to do now is fill in the details.

The questions are easy to rearrange with the same drag-and-drop logic if the need arises. For example, sometimes you might want to reuse some old surveys that you’ve created and used in the past. With this survey builder it will take you only a few minutes to tweak it (rearrange, delete or add questions). This is a very visual process – you’ll immediately see the end result.

3. Customize with survey personalization options

Zoho’s survey personalization options let you edit your surveys’ design so that you can stay in line with your brand. You can pick a custom theme with your brand’s colors and fonts and upload your company’s logo. This way, your respondents can always easily recognize you. The app saves your previous designs, templates and custom themes, so it’s easy to reuse them. Just make sure to pick your desired saved template when creating a new survey.

Zoho’s tool also helps you keep the survey relevant to the respondents which means they’ll stay more engaged and give more relevant feedback. When setting up the survey, you can use different features to determine its flow. For example, depending on a respondent’s answer to a certain question, additional questions may or may not be displayed or the respondent can be immediately taken to a specific page in a multi page survey. This way your respondents won’t lose time on questions that don’t apply to them. This means it’ll be easier to get high-quality information and keep your respondents interested until the end of the survey.

4. Analyze with survey reporting

High-quality reports are key to making informed business decisions. Once you have all the relevant data, you can analyze it to find the gaps and gains of your business logic. With that, it becomes easier to pivot your strategy in a timely manner, be it to spot additional earning opportunities or avoid unnecessary costs. Know your data to know your business.

Zoho Survey app takes care of survey reporting too. You’ll be able to see the results in real time. As soon as a respondent submits, the app will show it to you. You can use filters to zoom in on certain questions as well as create custom reports to get the most relevant data. For example, you might be interested in respondents who stated that they’re disappointed in the product. Or maybe you want to only see the answers given by a certain age group. The app’s survey reporting can also help you spot trends and compare answers to different questions.

You can also share survey reports with members of your team. Knowing exactly where you stand will make it easier for your team to cooperate and decide on necessary actions. They’ll be more efficient in their work and communication because they’ll have easy access to accurate data.

Should you try Zoho Survey?

To recap, a survey generator like Zoho Survey will provide you with various survey templates to use immediately. It will also let you customize them with a drag and drop survey builder. Survey personalization options will help you tailor your survey to both your business and your respondents. The app can aid you in creating the appropriate flow of questions, keeping them relevant and interesting for respondents and gathering high-quality data. Survey reporting will help you to sift and sort through all the data by letting you zoom in and out as needed.

So, yes, for all the options and insights it offers, I believe it’s a worthwhile investment for any business.

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